President’s Message
Islam is the only religion that pursues humans to seek knowledge. Cast, Creed, Complexion and Nativity cannot be counted towards one’s credits unless he bears knowledge and piety. An educated, knowledgeable and practical individual is far better than the one who possesses merely the wealth.
It’s a matter of pleasure and honor for me to have long association with the Chiniot Educational Society and Chiniot Islamia School & College.
Chiniot Islamia School & College is not just a school; it is actually a flagship of a movement that has multi-dimensional purpose. So, thanks to the Almighty Allah, the Chiniot Educational Society has made concerted efforts to achieve the goals with the all out assistance of Chiniot Community. We aim at extending it to Girls Degree College very soon and ultimately to a University.
We endeavor to enhance the standards of Chiniot Islamia School & College to be among the best Alma-master of the city. I pray to the Almighty Allah to shower-blessing upon all of us in our efforts for achieving the destiny envisioned by our ancestors.
May Almighty Allah bless the faculty, students and the parents with the generous bounties.
Qamar Saddiq
Chiniot Educational Society, Faisalabad